Zone 7 Water Agency Highlights Resilience and Innovation in FY 2023-2024 Annual Report
Award winning report showcases investments in innovative solutions to ensure safe, reliable water supplies and enhance the well-being of the Tri-Valley community.
LIVERMORE, Calif. – (February 5, 2025) – Zone 7 Water Agency (Zone 7) published its online Annual Report for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, sharing an in-depth look at the organization’s operations in delivering safe, reliable water and flood protection services to 261,000 residents in the Tri-Valley. The interactive Annual Report features an accessible award-winning design for the community, showcasing videos, infographics and visuals that help illustrate the work of the agency in an accessible, interactive format.
LARPD and Zone 7 Water Agency Celebrate the Opening of the Patterson Ranch Trail
Livermore, CA – The Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD) and Zone 7 Water Agency are pleased to announce the opening of the Patterson Ranch Trail, a long-awaited project that enhances outdoor access and promotes environmental conservation. This 2.3-mile trail is now officially open to the public, offering stunning vistas and enhanced connectivity between key recreational areas in the Livermore Valley.
Local Water Agencies Launch First Annual Tri-Valley Water Conservation Art Contest
K–12th-Grade Students Encouraged to Share Creative Visions for Water-Wise Native Gardens
Tri-Valley, Calif. (December 10, 2024) – The Tri-Valley’s water agencies – Zone 7 Water Agency (Zone 7), the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, California Water Service Company (Cal Water), and Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD), are excited to announce the first annual Tri-Valley Water Conservation Art Contest for K-12th-grade students.
Zone 7 Celebrates 25-Year Directors Award for Excellence in Water Quality Efforts and Honors Water Professionals
As California celebrates its eighth annual Water Professionals Appreciation Week, Zone 7 Water Agency is proud to highlight not only the dedicated water professionals behind the scenes but also a prestigious milestone: receiving the 25-Year Directors Award from the Partnership for Safe Water for our Del Valle Water Treatment Plant (WTP). This award underscores the hard work, expertise, and commitment of the Zone 7 team in delivering high-quality drinking water to our community.
Zone 7 Water Agency to Provide Update on PFAS Management Strategy at Upcoming Board Meeting
Livermore, CA – September 3, 2024 – Zone 7 Water Agency invites the community to a special Board meeting on September 4, 2024, at 6:00 PM where staff will provide a comprehensive update on the Agency’s Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) management strategy.
Zone 7 is committed to protecting public health and ensuring clean safe water for all residents and has been at the forefront of PFAS monitoring and management since 2019. In 2022, the agency unveiled a comprehensive PFAS management strategy that includes:
Zone 7 Water Agency Announces New Board Leadership
LIVERMORE, Calif. (July 18, 2024) – The Zone 7 Water Agency Board of Directors unanimously elected Vice-President Dennis Gambs to serve as president during its annual board reorganization at the regular board meeting in July. As president, Gambs will oversee the appointment of committees and have the primary responsibility for interpreting the policies, programs, and needs of the Agency to the public.
Zone 7 Groundwater Management Plan Receives State Approval
LIVERMORE, Calif. (July 2, 2024) – On June 27, 2024, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) announced that it approved the update to Zone 7’s groundwater management plan, formally known as an Alternative to a Groundwater Sustainability Plan (Alternative GSP). This Alternative GSP was initially approved in 2019. DWR determined that Livermore Valley Groundwater basin continues to be managed sustainably to meet the requirements of the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA). Zone has one of nine approved Alternatives in California.
2023 Annual Water Quality Report Confirms High Quality of Zone 7 Water
Zone 7 drinking water met and often performed better than all state and federal health standards
LIVERMORE, Calif. (June 18, 2024) – Zone 7 Water Agency released its 2023 Annual Water Quality Report confirming all water supplied by the agency in 2023 met the regulatory standards set by the state and federal governments. Furthermore, in almost all cases, the water quality was significantly better than required.
Zone 7 Water Agency Response to Delta Conveyance Project Release of State Benefit Cost Analysis
LIVERMORE, CA (May 17, 2024) — The Zone 7 Water Agency welcomes the news that the independent benefit cost analysis shows that the Delta Conveyance Project will bring substantial benefits to Zone 7 and California as a whole. The benefits include more reliable water supplies, increased seismic reliability and enhanced water quality.
Zone 7 celebrates Water Awareness Month with free in-person tours of Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant
LIVERMORE, Calif. (May 7, 2024) – Zone Water Agency will once again host in-person tours at Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant in honor of Water Awareness Month beginning at 10 AM on Saturday, May 18th, and concluding at 2 PM with tours beginning every half hour. The tours consist of a 15-minute introduction to the facility and its upgrades, followed by a 45-minute guided walking tour. Zone 7 provides drinks, treats, and free water-related promotional items to each guest, along with a behind-the-scenes look at the complex world of water treatment.
Zone 7 Water awarded $959,752 federal grant to help fund PFAS treatment at Chain of Lakes Wells
LIVERMORE, Calif. (March 11, 2024) – Zone 7 is celebrating Groundwater Awareness Week with a $957,752 federal grant award to help fund the Chain of Lakes (COL) PFAS Treatment Facility, a project that will add Ion Exchange (IX) treatment to the existing facility to remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from the well’s groundwater supply. Zone 7 has worked actively with Congressman Eric Swalwell and Congressman Mark DeSaulnier to ensure the safety and continued reliability of the Tri-Valley’s groundwater via the grant funding that will support the construction of the Agency’s second PFAs Treatment Facility. On March 8, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024 (H.R. 4366), a portion of which secured funding for several environmental projects in the Bay Area, including partial funding for the COL PFAS Treatment Facility.
Zone 7 invites residents to save water and win big with new Water Wise Wendy Fix-A-Leak Challenge 2024
LIVERMORE, Calif. (February 29, 2024) – Zone Water Agency, in partnership with California Water Service, Dublin San Ramon Services District, the City of Livermore, and the City of Pleasanton, is excited to announce the Water Wise Wendy Fix-A-Leak Challenge 2024, for residents to find and fix leaks to save water and win prizes throughout March. The contest will be open to residents of Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, and the Dougherty Valley of San Ramon in Zone 7’s service area.
Zone 7 Water Agency Expresses Support as State Moves Forward with Delta Conveyance Project with Final Environmental Impact Report
The Zone 7 Water Agency welcomes the news that the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) released the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) for the Delta Conveyance Project – a critical climate adaptation strategy to modernize existing State Water Project (SWP) infrastructure in the Delta. The Delta Conveyance Project will help make the state’s water system more resilient to climate change and natural disasters while protecting and enhancing the envir
There is Still Time to Declare Candidacy for the Zone 7 Board of Directors Election
LIVERMORE, Calif. (November 27, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency is looking for community minded individuals who are interested in helping to shape water supply and flood protection policy by serving on its seven-person board. A qualified candidate is 18 years of age or older and lives within the boundaries of Zone 7 service area.
Zone 7 receives highest bond rating from S&P Global Ratings and revised outlook from Fitch Ratings leading to successful bond sale
S&P Global Ratings upgrades the Agency’s rating to 'AAA'; Fitch affirms AA+ and revises to ‘Outlook: Positive’
LIVERMORE, Calif. (November 8, 2023) – Two independent credit rating agencies have reviewed Zone 7 Water Agency’s current position in connection with the agency’s anticipated sale of new money bonds to fund capital improvement projects. Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings (S&P) announced it has raised its long-term rating on the agency’s outstanding 2018 series A water revenue bonds to ‘AAA’ from ‘AA+’. S&P also assigned a ‘AAA’ to the agency’s 2023 series A water revenue bonds, with a stable outlook.
Zone 7 awarded $16M in funding from Sustainable Groundwater Management grant program
Grant from State Department of Water Resources will offset cost of new Stoneridge facility
LIVERMORE, Calif. (September 18, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency will receive a $16 million grant from the California Department of Water Resources’ (DWR) Sustainable Groundwater Management Grant Program for development of the Stoneridge Well Ion Exchange (IX) PFAS Treatment facility. The new facility will remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from groundwater pumped into the facility and is the first facility to offer IX PFAS removal in Northern California.
Zone 7 upgrades Stoneridge Well with Ion Exchange PFAS Treatment Facility
First facility of its kind in Northern California will remove PFAS from groundwater supply
LIVERMORE, Calif. (September 13, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency celebrates the grand opening of its Ion Exchange (IX) PFAS Treatment Facility at Stoneridge Well. The new facility is the first of its kind in Northern California and will remove Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from groundwater pumped into the facility to ensure the Tri-Valley community has a safe, reliable water supply.
Zone 7 welcomes teachers back with new Water Academy Rewards program
Program incentivizes teachers to build a new generation of water champions
LIVERMORE, Calif. (September 7, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency welcomes teachers back to school with an invitation to join its new Water Academy rewards program. Zone 7’s Water Academy allows teachers to sign up for an in-classroom lesson taught by certified educators. The comprehensive water-focused in-classroom lessons align with Next Generation Science Standards and are grade-specific for TK through 12th grade classes.
Zone 7 earns seventh consecutive financial reporting award
Government Finance Officers Association recognizes agency’s 2022 Annual Report
LIVERMORE, Calif. (August 8, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency has once again received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for its 2021-2022 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada. This marks the seventh year Zone 7 has received this prestigious recognition.
Girl Scouts install Zone 7 Little Free Library
Water wise literature now available to community
Livermore, CA (June 9, 2023) – Girl Scout Troop’s 31253 installed a new Zone 7 Little Free Library at a ribbon cutting ceremony on June 7, 2023 at 5997 Parkside Drive across from the Pleasanton Sports Park. The literature in the Zone 7 Little Free Library will highlight the importance of water, shed light on today’s water issues and provide water-saving resources for the community. The Zone 7 Little Free library encourages kids to become water-wise at a young age by providing free books to anyone in the community.
Zone 7 partners with Girl Scouts to provide water-focused books to community
Little Free Library ribbon cutting ceremony will take place June 7
Livermore, CA (June 6, 2023) – Girl Scout Troop 31253 will unveil a new Zone 7 Little Free Library at a ribbon cutting ceremony at 3:00 pm on June 7, 2023 at 5997 Parkside Dr., Pleasanton, CA. Little Free Libraries offers free books to anyone in the community, promoting reading and sharing. The literature in the Zone 7 Little Free Library will highlight the importance of water, shed light on today’s water issues and provide water-saving resources for the community.
Zone 7 brings back goats for another season of flood channel maintenance
Team of goats help clear vegetation overgrowth and keep waterways clear
LIVERMORE, Calif. (May 3, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency is using goats for a third season as part of their comprehensive mowing efforts to maintain local flood channels and reduce the risk of fire. The goats eat away overgrown vegetation along the banks of waterways, including overgrown trees and bushes with their 6 ft reach, as well as grasses and weeds along the ground. The goats hungrily chew away ragweed, poison oak, thistles, and even thorny vines like blackberry which controls brush and creates an effective fire break.
LIVERMORE, CA (April 25, 2023) - Ten Livermore students were recognized in this year’s Livermore Water Conservation Art Contest at the April 24th Livermore City Council Meeting. This contest is an annual competition for Livermore’s K – 12th-grade students to create original artwork that explains the importance of water conservation.
Zone 7 lifts mandatory conservation requirements for the Tri-Valley
Residents encouraged to adopt voluntary water-saving habits for long-term sustainability
LIVERMORE, Calif. (April 20, 2023) – The Zone 7 Board of Directors unanimously declared an end to the drought emergency and 15% mandatory conservation requirements at its regular board meeting on April 19, 2023.
Zone 7 Sponsors 19th Annual Bringing Back the Native Garden Tour
showcase will feature local native gardens online and in-person
LIVERMORE, Calif. (April 6, 2023) – Zone 7 Water Agency is once again proud to be a sponsor for the annual Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour & Green Homes Feature Showcase, which will include both online and virtual dates in 2023. Registration is now available at
LIVERMORE, CA (March 16, 2023) - Seven Livermore students received special recognition from their local water agencies at last week’s Livermore Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) Science Odyssey event for highlighting water in their science projects.
The City of Livermore has sponsored the “One Water Awards” for the past eight years at this 1st – 12th-grade district-wide science fair. Zone 7 Water Agency (Zone 7) became a cosponsor in 2020 and California Water Service (Cal Water) became a cosponsor in 2022.
Zone 7 Water Agency Releases FY 2021-2022 Annual Report to the Tri-Valley Community
LIVERMORE, Calif. – Zone 7 Water Agency published its online Annual Report for the 2021-2022 fiscal year. Residents of the Tri-Valley can browse the interactive Annual Report through the website’s accessible design to read highlights and achievements of the agency.
Zone 7 Director Angela Ramirez Holmes to serve second term as Chair of Los Vaqueros Reservoir JPA
CONCORD, Calif. – Angela Ramirez Holmes of the Zone 7 Board of Directors will serve a second term as Chair of the recently formed Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority (JPA). The JPA Board voted unanimously to retain the current leadership for the ensuing one-year term at their January 11, 2023, board meeting.
Zone 7 Board of Directors adopt wholesale water rates for Calendar Years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026
Livermore, CA – On Wednesday, Nov. 16, the Zone 7 Water Agency Board of Directors by a vote of 5 to 2 approved 5.5% annual rate revenue increases for wholesale water services to the Tri-Valley’s four water retailers, for Calendar Years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. The Board will revisit the rate schedule for calendar years 2025 and 2026, through a public process, with any changed rates adopted by November 2024.
The retailers are the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, Dublin San Ramon Services District, and California Water Service.
Zone 7 Board of Directors Kick Off Public Meetings on Wholesale Water Rates
Livermore, CA – Zone 7 Water Agency will host a Water Supply Evaluation Workshop on Wednesday, August 31st at 6 p.m. The workshop will examine the long-term water reliability needs of the Tri-Valley and the respective financial impacts. The workshop kicks off a series of workshops and Board meetings focused on reviewing wholesale water rates for 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026 to ensure treated water rates keep pace with the increasing costs to provide safe, reliable water.
Tri-Valley Water Partners Launch New Website and Outreach Program
Delivering water for our community now and into the future
Tri-Valley, CA. – The Tri-Valley Water Partners have launched, a new website focused on the region’s water supply reliability. The partners are a collaborative effort between the Tri-Valley’s water wholesaler, Zone 7 Water Agency (Zone 7), and local water retailers California Water Service (Cal Water), the City of Livermore, the City of Pleasanton, and Dublin San Ramon Services District.
Zone 7 Water Agency Announces New Board Leadership
LIVERMORE, Calif. (July 26, 2022) – The Zone 7 Water Agency Board of Directors unanimously elected Director Sarah Palmer to serve as president during its annual board re-organization at the regular board meeting in July. As president, Palmer will oversee the appointment of committees and shall have the primary responsibility for interpreting the policies, programs and needs of the Agency to the public.
Tri-Valley Water Agencies Encourage Local Business Community to Reimagine Its Landscaping
A statewide ban on irrigating non-functional turf at non-residential properties is now in effect.
Tri-Valley, CA (June 20, 2022). On June 10, 2022, the California State Water Resources Control Board enacted a new emergency water conservation regulation banning all commercial, institutional, and industrial properties statewide from irrigating “non-functional” turf with potable (drinking) water. Non-functional turf is any grass that is purely decorative and is not used for recreation or civic/community events.
Zone 7 rolls out ozonation water treatment process at Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant
Ozone replaces chlorine as main disinfectant, enhancing quality of finished water
Zone 7 Water Agency announced that it has completed facility upgrades at the Patterson Pass Water Treatment Plant which improves treated water quality with the added ozonation project, and an increase of the treated water storage capacity. This is the latest investment to make the treatment process more efficient and improve water quality to better serve the community.
Iron Horse Trail and Stanley Reach Improvements
LIVERMORE, Calif. – On Tuesday, May 17, beginning at 4:00 p.m., the City of Livermore, Zone 7 Water Agency, and Living Arroyos program invite the community to celebrate the opening of a new segment of the Iron Horse Trail on the south side of the Arroyo Mocho channel between Isabel Ave. and Murrieta Blvd.
Livermore Students Recognized for Water Conservation Artwork
The City of Livermore, California Water Service (Cal Water), and Zone 7 Water Agency announce the winners of this year’s Livermore Water Conservation Art Contest
Livermore, CA (April 26, 2022) – Ten Livermore students were recognized in this year’s Livermore Water Conservation Art Contest at the April 25th Livermore City Council Meeting. This contest is an annual competition for Livermore’s K – 12th grade students to use artwork to explain the importance of water conservation.
Zone 7 Board to Consider Continued Funding and Participation in the Planning Phase of the Delta Conveyance Project at the April 20th Board Meeting
Livermore, CA (April 13, 2022) — On April 20, at the regular board meeting, the Zone 7 Board of Directors will consider continued participation in the four-year planning phase of Delta Conveyance Project (DCP) — a project designed to improve the water delivery system of the State Water Project. The Tri-Valley area, served by Zone 7, a State Water Project contractor, receives approximately 70% of its water through the Delta.
Zone 7 Flood Channel Fire Prevention Maintenance Underway in Anticipation of Fire Season
Channel mowing began today, and the Zone 7 goats will return within two weeks
Livermore, CA (April 4, 2022) — Zone 7 has begun its annual fire prevention maintenance program along the flood protection channels it maintains. In addition to maintaining the channel facilities for flood activities, removing downed trees, and conducting regular inspections of the channels to ensure they’re in working order, the Agency is also tasked with fire prevention activities.
As third year of drought imminent, State Water Project allocations reduced
Zone 7 Water Agency and the Tri-Valley’s water service providers ask community to look closely at outdoor water use to meet conservation goals
TRI-VALLEY, CA (March 22, 2022). On March 18, 2022, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) — prompted by the driest January and February on record, below average snowpack, and low reservoir levels, cut the State Water Project allocation to 5%. DWR previously set the allocation at 15% earlier this year.
Zone 7 Board of Directors declare March 14-20, 2022 Fix a Leak Week
A small investment in time can yield a big savings in water
LIVERMORE, Calif. (March 10, 2022) – Every year, more than 10,000 gallons of water is wasted in homes due to easy-to-fix leaks. Nationwide, household leaks equate to more than 1 trillion gallons of water lost every year.
At last month’s board meeting, the Zone 7 Board of Directors declared March 14 to March 20 Fix a Leak Week. This marks the agency’s seventh year participating in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) annual Fix-A-Leak Week and the Agency is reminding residents and businesses of the easy steps they can take to help save water.
Two Weeks Remain in Zone 7 Board of Directors Candidate Filing Period
LIVERMORE, Calif. (March 2, 2022) – Zone 7 Water Agency is
looking for community minded individuals who are interested in
serving on its seven-person board. A qualified candidate is 18
years of age or older, lives within the boundaries of Zone 7
service area, and is interested in advocating on behalf of the
Tri-Valley community.
Zone 7 Water Agency’s Board of Directors election will be held on
June 7, 2022. During this election, four terms will be open for
eligible candidates to run. The candidate filing period is open
from February 14 to March 16, 2022.
Zone 7 Water Agency Releases FY 2020-2021 Annual Report to the Tri-Valley Community
New Digital Design highlights key accomplishments from staff and partners
LIVERMORE, Calif. (February 7, 2022) – Zone 7 Water Agency published their Annual Report for the 2020-2021 fiscal year, now available online. Zone 7 is committed to delivering safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable water and flood protection services. This year, the Annual Report is fully online and meets and exceeds the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliance and regulation standards. Residents of the Tri-Valley who use assistive technology will be able to browse and interact with the Annual Report with the new accessible website design.
Zone 7 Receives Modest Increase in State Water Project Allocation but Mandatory Conservation Remains
Livermore, CA – State Water Project contractors received news today that the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) will be increasing the 2022 allocation of water to 15 percent, up from the initial zero percent allocation announced in December.
Los Vaqueros Reservoir JPA Inaugural Meeting
Chair and Vice-Chair selected
Concord (November 12, 2021) – The eight agencies making up the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority (JPA) met for the first time on Wednesday, November 10, and selected a Chair and Vice-Chair for a one-year term. This important milestone initiates the key decision making about governance related to implementing the Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project (Project).
Tri-Valley Water Agencies Mandatory Water Usage Restrictions Remain in Effect
TRI-VALLEY, CA (November 10, 2021) - The Tri-Valley continues to battle unprecedented drought conditions despite October’s atmospheric river. While recent storms brought some much-needed relief, the overall drought situation remains bleak, and conservation is still needed.
Last year’s record low rainfall a reminder that one storm doesn’t end the drought
Tri-Valley’s lack of rain from October 2020 through September 2021 marks all-time low
Last week, on the heels of what closed out the driest year on record for the Tri-Valley, the region was graced with a desperately needed atmospheric river storm that drenched much of California with historic rainfall. While this storm brought significant precipitation in a month that isn’t typically very wet, this isn’t the time to break those water saving habits and lose sight of the existing drought.
Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority Formed
Los Vaqueros Reservoir Joint Powers Authority Formed
Brentwood – The Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project (Project) passed a significant milestone today in officially filing agreements needed to form a Joint Powers Authority. This important milestone puts a group of Local Agency Partners one step closer to Project implementation.
Zone 7 Helps Customers Convert to Water Efficient Lawns
LIVERMORE, Calif. (September 30, 2021) –Zone 7 is making it easier than ever before for customers to convert their lawns to more water efficient alternatives. Zone 7 and their water retailers are now offering increased rebate amounts for Water Efficient Lawn Conversion to single-family properties up to 50 percent of the costs with a maximum rebate of $2,000. The maximum rebate for a non-residential property or multi-family property is up to 50 percent of the costs, with a $6,000 maximum rebate.
Zone 7 Board of Directors Declares Drought Emergency
Zone 7 Board of Directors met last night at a special board meeting and voted unanimously on a resolution declaring a Drought Emergency and Stage 2 Water Shortage Emergency. This declaration includes mandatory 15% conservation from all Zone 7 retailers. Zone 7 has also declared a Local Drought Emergency which will expedite implementation of construction projects to improve water supply reliability. The Valley Pump Station will now move up from a Summer 2023 completion to a Summer 2022 completion with board approval at the September 15 board meeting.
Take Advantage of Zone 7’s ENERGY STAR High Efficiency Washer Rebate this Labor Day Weekend
LIVERMORE, Calif. (September 1, 2021) –If you’re in the market for a new washing machine this weekend, Tri-Valley partners want to remind you they are offering residents of the City of Livermore, Pleasanton and Dublin San Ramon Services District a $200 rebate when purchasing an ENERGY STAR most efficient 2021 high efficiency clothes washer. The $200 rebate program applies to purchases made between July 1, 2021 and Dec. 31, 2021. The $200 rebate will come in the form of a credit to your water bill.
Tri-Valley Water Agencies Ask Customers to Reduce Water Use by 15% From 2020
TRI-VALLEY, CA (July 12, 2021) – Six weeks ago, the Tri-Valley’s water agencies asked customers to voluntarily reduce their water use by ten percent after Governor Gavin Newsom included Alameda County in his emergency drought declaration. Last week, the Governor issued Executive Order N-10-21, calling on all Californians to voluntarily reduce their water use by 15 percent from their 2020 levels.
Tri-Valley water agencies are now asking customers to do a little more and voluntarily reduce their water use by 15 percent.
Zone 7 Water Agency Increases Water Conservation Rebate Limits
Ongoing drought conditions require water saving efforts from the Tri-Valley
Zone 7 Recognized for Excellence in Budgeting
LIVERMORE, Calif. (June 28, 2021) – The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) has presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to Zone 7 Water Agency for its two-year budget beginning July 1, 2020. The award is the highest form of recognition in governmental budgeting and reflects Zone 7’s commitment to public transparency and accountability.
Zone 7 Launches New, User-Focused Website
Zone 7 is debuting a newly redesigned website today as part of the Agency’s 5-Year Strategic Plan. The new website features a new vibrant design, upgraded cybersecurity protocols, a streamlined site navigation structure, and refreshed content.
Tri-Valley Water Agencies Ask Customers to Reduce Water Use by 10% from Last Year
“Please voluntarily reduce water use by ten percent from last year.” That’s the request from the Tri-Valley’s water agencies – Zone 7 Water Agency, California Water Service (Cal Water), the Cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, and Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) after Governor Gavin Newsom included Alameda County in his emergency drought declaration.
Drought Conditions Prompt Zone 7 to Request Customers Voluntarily Conserve Water
Water agency provides customers with ways to cut back on water usage in response to record low rainfall and high temperatures
Zone 7 is issuing a request to the Tri Valley community to voluntarily reduce water usage in response to dry weather that has impacted water supplies. Low amounts of local and statewide rainfall, low reservoir levels throughout the state and low snowpack conditions have resulted in significant drought conditions.